The Growing the Grassroots Team

  • Shaka Steven

    In-Country Co-Director & Project Foreman

  • Edmond Jumu

    Edmond Jumu

    In-Country Co-Director & Farm Manager

    I grew up in Tikonko, Sierra Leone, went to school at Njala University, and will be graduating with a B.Ed. with a major in Agriculture and minor in Geography in 2024. I joined this team because their core value principles which they have introduced to support, preserve, maintain, and protect humanity in Africa to be specific and the World at large. I want to work with sincerity and honesty for the betterment of all. To showcase our values, prove, and change the mind set of people who have the conception that all Africans are corrupt, and says no! “There are still those whose who are non- corrupt” base on the ideology vision of the organization they are representing. To help promote education, agriculture, youth empowerment, and save life. Growing the Grassroots is the best organization I have ever seen in the world because of their non- corrupt humanistic ideology and vision they have for human being through education, agriculture, youth empowerment, and health with lifesaving support for free with no tag price attach to these services they render.

  • Kadiatu Jabba

    Farm Assistant

    I grew up in Barrie Potaru, Pujehun and received informal education on agriculture and soap making. I joined Growing the Grassroots to help myself, my family and Sierra Leone at large. Also, I really want to learn an improved system of farming which will help me to be self-reliant and contribute to the development of my country. I am totally convinced and believe that Growing the Grassroots is the best organization because of the various developmental efforts I am seeing in the team through agriculture and education. In a nutshell, GTGR always preaches against corruption which I stand for.

  • Alhaji Bassie

    Alhaji Bassie

    Farm Assistant

  • Saidu Marrah

    Farm Assistant

  • Christian Kailie

    Content Creator

  • Calvin Dauner

    Calvin Dauner


    I grew up in Bloomington Minnesota and graduated from Iowa State University in 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences and Global Resource Systems. When I started this team, I strongly emphasized that each player must possess two traits: coachability, and curiosity. I believe that a team filled with eager and enthusiastic players who can take positive criticism and work alongside the chaos in Africa, is a winning team. This is the best organization in the world for two simple reasons. 1) A hungry person has very little capacity to focus on any social or economic problems; so Africa will never develop until its citizens are fed. 2) We have a sustainable business model. What I’ve learned after spending one-year in Africa is that people will listen and work hard if it will earn them money. In this case, when they learn Norman Borlague’s “Green Revolution” methods, the villagers will be earning more food and making more money. The information will ripple to their families, friends, and the rest of the community. I’ve seen it myself when I taught these methods as a volunteer in 2021. Now I’m ready to scale it, and feed this entire country with your support.

  • Edward Berthold V

    Edward Berthold V

    Vice President

    I grew up in Island Lake, Illinois and graduated from Iowa State University in 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering. Originally, I joined this team because my best friend, Calvin, called me after he came back from Sierra Leone in 2021. He explained how villagers are desperately in need of more sustainable methods for farming since everyone is struggling, to put it lightly. After that first call, I never looked back and continue to love this team more and more every day. We are willing to leave our personal lives and live just like they do in the villages. We are connecting with Sierra Leone on a grassroots level. No one is doing this. We put ourselves in the best possible position for our efforts to be successful in every project that we pursue. Community involvement and buy-in are the first steps we take before any development projects are even thought of. That’s what makes us different and why we will feed all of Africa starting with Sierra Leone.

  • Jesse Pyrah

    Jesse Pyrah

    Director of Project Management

    I grew up in Shelley, Idaho and will graduate from Brigham Young University in 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in Business Management with an emphasis in Entrepreneurial Management. Joining GTGR was a dream come true. With Calvin’s insights and the rest of the team's dedication to the betterment of Sierra Leone and all of West Africa, I found myself wanting to do more to impact the world. Sierra Leone also holds a special place in my heart because I was able to live there as a missionary for two years. I found that the people of West Africa and the culture is unlike any on this planet and that with a helping hand these people will be able to accomplish great things in their lives. The people of West Africa inspire me every single day to become a better person. Every good house needs a strong foundation. GTGR prides themselves on having a strong corruption free foundation that the organization is built upon. The ideas that are implemented are tested and proven to improve agricultural yields which assures me of the validity of this organization and the strength therein. With time, the connections that are made with the poorest people of West Africa will bud into a blooming and beautiful relationship where both parties benefit.

  • Paige Sullivan

    Paige Sullivan

    Director of Fundraising & Programs

    I grew up in Southampton, MA and graduated from Isenberg School of Management in 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in Management and a minor in Microbiology. I joined this team to give the people of Sierra Leone opportunities and support they would otherwise not. I’m very fortunate to be in a position to provide that. Making someone feel deserving and worthy of that opportunity and support is a moment in life the team and I live for. What makes Growing the Grassroots unique is how we’ve built out the foundation of our development plans. We do not collaborate in the US amongst only our board of directors. We meet with knowledgeable professors, members of the ministry of health, town chiefs, and highly regarded village members on the ground in Sierra Leone to understand the culture and minds of villagers. In doing so, we can ensure our methods will be sustainable and resonate with the grassroot citizens.

  • Kathryn Wold

    Kathryn Wold

    Director of Public Relations & Communications

    I grew up in Bloomington, Minnesota and will graduate from Minnesota State University with a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications and Public Relations with a minor in Marketing. I was eager to join this organization upon first hearing Calvin’s vision. Through years of traveling and living abroad I learned how drastically life differs around the globe. I cultivated a deep curiosity for humanity and a strong desire to do more in the world. This organization brought an incredible team of people together–Individuals seeking to change the world with a plan to make it happen. Growing the Grassroots is the first non-profit of its kind. It was founded upon transparency and thrives in the absence of corruption. We do not believe in handouts or surface level solutions that only perpetuate poverty. We provide timeless education leading to development that will permeate generations. Starting where we are most needed, Growing the Grassroots is going to re-build Africa from the ground up.

  • Carlye Pichman

    Carlye Pichman

    Director of Marketing & Communications

    I grew up in Island Lake, Illinois, and will graduate from Augustana College in 2023 with a bachelor’s degree in Business Marketing and Spanish for Professional Use and a minor in Theatre. I joined this team because I saw how much work and passion these people put into this organization through my boyfriend, Eddie, and I wanted to use my marketing and social media skills to help the cause. Growing the Grassroots isn’t just providing “band-aid” solutions, we are initiating development from the grassroots level to assure that the current communities, and more importantly, all future generations will have a deep understanding of farming practices. This organization has my whole heart and soul, and I can’t wait to see the advancements and development we provide throughout all these villages.

  • Jonah Scallon

    Jonah Scallon

    Director of Strategic Development & Communications

    I am originally from Cedar Rapids, IA but currently live in Denver, CO. I graduated from Iowa State University in 2020 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering. I’ve learned a lot from Eddie over the past year about what this organization is all about. The more he explained what was going on in Sierra Leone and what the team is doing, the more I wanted to help. Once there was an opportunity for me to join, I knew I had to take it. The energy in this team is infectious, and I am excited to see the impacts we are going to make in the future. Growing the Grassroots is truly one of a kind. I honestly think that the vision and structure that this organization has is going to feed all of Sierra Leone and beyond. And because we focus on development from the ground up (the grassroots level), it is no question that these impacts are going to be long-lasting.