Our Partners

enCodePlus is an internet-based document presentation and management system. They use advanced metrics to help planners, zoning administrators, clerks, attorneys, and the public to work more effectively. enCodePlus is our largest corporate sponsor to date. They have been an incredible support system and have gone above and beyond to ensure our continued success as we grow. Without enCodePlus, the school in Sembehun Tabema would not have come to fruition. A local African company tried taking the land from us, so enCodePlus reached into their pockets to kickstart the project months early and save the land from being taken. We can not express our gratitude to them enough! THANK YOU!!!

The Rural Health Care Initiative gave Growing the Grassroots a foot in the door in Tikonko by giving Calvin a job for 6 months to practice and educate locals on modern agricultural methods. They’ve given us technical support as we’ve given them physical support and manpower this current growing season. If it weren’t for The Rural Health Care Initiative, then Growing the Grassroots might not exist today. We recognize their value and importance in the Bo District for empowering pregnant women and young children through healthcare, education, and nourishment.


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